Well Sharon, Valentine's Day is the day of Saint Valentine (which kinda means Muslims aren't really supposed to celebrate it? =S). It's a tradition started by a pope during the 5th century I think. But it was not associated with romantic love until the Middle Ages. On that day, lovers give each other love notes called valentines, which of course have been replaced by cards nowadays.
As a student of economics, you would understand that Valentine's Day is crucial to the market worldwide. Every year, more than a thousand places around the world manufacture chocolates for Valentine's Day and in fact, billions of dollars are spent just to ship these chocolates (true story)! Not to mention many more billions of dollars are circulated in the economy of the world with the trading of gifts! This is all healthy by mean of money flow and might even revive a stale economy!
On the other hand, in Korea, hallmark holidays set on 14th such as Candle Day, White Day, Rose Day, Music Day, Wine Day, Movie Day and omg Silver Day (you gotta love this day if you play in the metal market) are seriously created by the commercial community to spike revenue. But then, like Valentine's Day, it's all for the sake of economy! ^^ Well as consumers maybe you wouldn't like it that much but if you view from a different perspective, these 'Day's are really great ideas!